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Fachdidaktik Englisch Module III HS 2015 (UniZH 2190):


Classroom Management – Grammar'n'Vocabulary – ICT in EFL...


NO session: 15th October  

 Double session: 8th October (ICT, at KFR) / each 14:00 - 17:30 (link to main page)

Room: KAB-E-03

My course in "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" Uni ZH (click)


Recommendation: Comprehensive glossary of terms in English language teaching, download and study: tkt_glossary.pdf

last updated: 3rd Dec. 2015


Dates: Skip to session  8 (click!)


Nr / Dates


Topics, Materials, Links, Tasks (Programme  for HS 2015 drafted, will be adjusted as we go)

1  /  17th Sept

Focus: Classroom Management

Why important / own experience? Situations?  Before didactics.docx   3 The Ten Most Common Bad Behaviour Habits Teachers Develop.docx 

research on, basics of CLM: read  ClassroomManagement2.doc   Influences_on_student_learning.pdf    Teachers_make_a_difference_-ACER_(2003).pdf  Ericsson-Deliberate Practice-Expert.docx   


Download for reference: CLM-Marz.pdf

Recommended Reading in German, very entertaining: Was Fachdidaktiker gerne verschweigen.pdf

Was Fachdidaktiker ausserdem verschweigen.pdf



2  /  24th Sept

Focus: Classroom Management

FDEIII-CLM Triangle.pptx finalkouninpresentation.pptx  /

/  1st Oct



Focus: Classroom Management

visible-learning-HJ-Engl.pptx   Presentation CLM FDE III 2015 FS.pptx

teacher-toolkit.pdf    /    /  CLM-checkliste.pdf  / Bloom's taxonomy old and new.pdf    /  responsible classroom management.doc  /  responsibility-grid.pdf   /   self-assessment-relations-mental-set.pdf   /  right-brain-and-kinesthetic-teaching.doc


4  /  5   8th Oct 


double session, room 61 at KFR

14:00 - 17.30 at

KS Freudenberg!


mobile HJ: 078 660 30 64

(NO session on Oct 15th)

Focus: ICT in EFL:



  • use free websites made or not for EFL
  • build your own PBworks wiki
  • explore online components of coursebooks
  • make your own webquest
  • create language activities


Project-Tasks: All materials will be online with access from your wiki.

  • compare various tools in the same field  (e.g. vocab apps)
  • build a webquest / online task in language or literature which is ready to use in the classroom (with computers / tablets / mobile devices)


To be continued in Session 10 on Nov 19th  .

/  22nd Oct

Focus: Classroom Management (wrap-up) / Grammar'n'Vocabulary

CLM: Your questions, remarks, examples 



Tweaking Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises... /

Tweaking exercises.pptx  HOTS-WS_complete.pdf   BloomsTaxonomy-task.doc  Bloom's taxonomy old and new.pdf  blooms-question-stems.pdf

7  /  29th Oct



Focus: Grammar'n'Vocabulary

  Collocations: lexical approach

Collocations: collocations.pdf

New Collocation Page: Sketch Engine:


Vocabulary Lists A and B.docx Out to rebrand Africa.docx  The Female Factor.docx


8 / 5th Nov


Focus: Grammar'n'Vocabulary


Floating Diagrams: vor advanced classes


vocabulary sets see here:


Tracy in love.pdf   Trip to the Moon.pdf

Timelines and Concept Questions:


( ̴ practising speech acts)

9  /  12th Nov








Focus: to be determined according to needs / wishes of group

Concept questions exercise


time management for teacher --> good overview of available time-slots when you can work / spreading out marking-intensive work over semester (as far as possible) / nice-to-have materials vs. essential materials / intelligent document-storing system.

additional tasks with coursebook -->buy resource books (available in school library?) / google / talk to colleagues

Techniques and strategies to detect and prevent problematic classroom situations. I think that teachers who are new on the job really need to visualize and anticipate difficult and unforeseeable disruptions in theory before they actually occur in class...  your position in the classroom, moving around, be unpredictable as to where you might be
Proper lesson preparation, discussing possible strategies to keep up a "healthy" life-work balance despite not having any classroom experience nor last year's material to fall back on ;) (see above + discussion today)

 10 /  19th Nov


Focus: ICT in EFL:


-  build your wiki from here:

-  Tutorials about pbworks can be found here:

-  try out features: formatting text, inserting pictures, movies, links / creating new pages and linking them up --> Navigation through site.

-  looking at grammar exercise production tools / vocab tools

-  start your project.



Project guidelines:


1  Look at one type of ICT tools (e.g. grammar exercises, vocab) and compare their usefulness in class – according to a set of criteria which you will set up first.

     Possible ispiration:   /


2  Design a project in English for a level that you choose. It will stretch across several lessons (decide how many) and various different ICT Tools should predominantly be used.

  • The basic working tool is your PBworks wiki, from where the description of the project, as well as all the necessary instructions for students, weblinks, documents and illustrations are provided. 

  • Decide which other tools from the list of suggested webpages/tools in this course should be used. Their use must make sense for the tasks designed. Think of possible mobile phone tasks, if they are called for.

  • Give clear instructions about how students' project results should be presented / provided.


  • The design of the project and all the materials necessary to actually use it in class should be ready for presentation in sessions 12 and 13, on December 3rd / 10th 2015.



Go here to have a look at last semesters projects for inspiration: Session 13

11  /  26th Nov





Focus: ICT in EFL:

Working Session

12  /   3rd Dec

Presentations of ICT Projects:

Every member of a group will present one part of the group's product.


Link to TeacherTrainerVideo about how to use PBWorks wiki (click!)

Please publish your names and the links to your pbwork pages here:


Luzia, Tanja, Katharina: Teaching Vocabulary - ICT Tools for the Classroom

Tanja and Kerstin: Welcome to Salem — The Crucible Page

Reinhard and Rosa: Tense Revisions:



13  /   10th Dec


Presentation of ICT Projects:


Link to TeacherTrainerVideo about how to use PBWorks wiki (click!)

Every member of a group will present one part of the group's product.


Please publish your names and the links to your pbwork pages here:


André: The Lottery

Ines and Serge: Dead Poets Society

Nara, Rebecca, Katja.: Midsummernight's Dream

Sophie, Marlene, Andreas:


14  /   17th Dec


Bye-Bye Session:

Location: MYPLACE:



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