

Page history last edited by Perino 6 years, 5 months ago


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Second Semester Dates and Program FS 2014 (UniZH 2154):


intermediate through matura levels


NO sessions: 20th Feb / 3rd April (HJ IATEFL) / 24th April (Easter Break) / 1st May (Labour Day) / 29th May (Ascension Day)

three double sessions: 13th March (video) / 10th of April 2014 (ICT) /  one in May (drama, to be determined), each 08:15 - 11:45


Link back to first semester HS 2013 (click)


Room: FRE-D-15, Freiestrasse 36


My course in "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" Uni ZH (click)


Task for second semester:  ( Re-)read the following texts BEFORE the 2nd semester starts: 

The Catcher in the Rye / The Perks of Being a Wallflower / Frankenstein (and/or) Dracula  / The Island of Doctor Moreau / 13 Reasons Why / The Wave /


Übungslektionen with Perino: possible from mid March through July

Timetable see here: Perino FS 2014 KFR.pdf

For reference to single classes go here: 


Link to table about "Übungslektionen" of your fellow students



Recommendation: Comprehensive glossary of terms in English language teaching, download and study: tkt_glossary.pdf


Second Semester

Dates:                        Programme to be adjusted and completed as we go: come back and check before sessions!

Skip to literature sessions (click!)

Nr / Dates


Topics, Materials, Links, Tasks

1  /  27th February

Focus: Semester planning


1 using the real KFR Agenda on

Further documents / pages: Perino FS 2014 KFR.pdf / Termine GF FS 2014.pdf : please download and bring to first session.


==> Find YOUR way of getting around all the relevant factors that determine a semester plan for each class, including slots for tests.


2 Info about 2nd Semester (as far as planned already) / Building groups for literature presentations in sessions X Y // discuss peer observation


3 Discussing differences between elementary and intermediate / advanced classes for teaching grammar

   ==> focus on instructing / constructing grammar/language structures at int./adv. level: Intermediate-Advanced-Ass.doc / (Eliciting game: elicit.pdfeliciting game items (U3)TT.pdf  ETP-Oct03-HowToBeACreativeTeacher.pdf .



1 (re-)read LT  Chs. 5, 7, 12, 15/ HTT Ch. 5, 6: which ideas do you find most useful / difficult to put into practice?

2 go here:  for an overview / a history of mehtodology. Visit / download

  humourous grammar rules,  ETP-Oct02-TBL-CR-Approach.pdf,  ETP-Mar05-ApproachesToGrammar.pdf,  ETP-Oct02-PPPUnderScrutiny.pdf,  ETPJan05-Natural Language Learning.pdf

3 Great papers to read for motivation and insight: ActiveLearningWorks.doc  FormativeTeachingMethods.doc   

  influences-on-student-learning.pdf   Reinforcement-1.doc   


3 Think of a 5-10' microteaching grammar sequence in an area of your choice (except "present perfect"). Think about what method/idea you will use for that specific sequence and why. You will have time to work it out in Session 2


Semesterplan_Example_Dana.pdf Semesteroverview_Example_Dana.pdf

2  /  6th March

Focus: Teaching Grammar at intermediate and advanced level: micro-teaching sequences.

Discussing what we have read: which ideas do you find most useful / difficult to put into practice?   / 


Ways of presenting grammar: example: present perfect present-perfect.pdf  --> Create a similar variety of ways in which to teach future tenses, materials that might help:

Future Tenses Implications.pdf  Future Tenses Implications II.pdf  Future Tenses Implications III.pdf

Future Tenses Implications-empty.pdf  Future Tenses Implications II-empty.pdf  Future Tenses Implications III-empty.pdf


Brief explanations of teaching concepts by G. Petty on video:

Questioning strategies:

Prepare Micro-Teaching of session 3.


Presentation more interesting exercises.ppt ("tweaked" exercises)



- Read: ETP-Mar04-MagigAuthenticVideo.pdf  ETP-Mar04-MagigAuthenticVideo2.pdf    ETP-Oct03-UsingVideo.pdf

 - Browse through "Literature in the Language Classroom", so that you know what to look up where for lit. sessions.

- read "Timelines and Concept Questions" paper. Prepare your "tweaked" exercise to do with group

3 / 4 /  13th March



Double Session:

08.15 - 12.00 extended session

Focus: Teaching through Video

- working with film extracts


- popular culture:

Evolution VideoAmy VideoDove lesson plan.doc  resources.doc


Grammar points with film extracts:


Videos about teaching:





5 / 20th March

Focus: Teaching   Grammar at interm. / adv. level. Revision of methodology: eclectic approach.xls

Micro-Teaching sequences that you prepared in Session 2: do, discuss. 15 variations on PPP.doc




Task:  prepare presentation on working with your reading books: describe/present entire reading phase with class. Include ONE practical sample of a task and DO this with our group as a micro-teaching exercise.

6  /  27th March







NO session on April 4th: HJ at IATEFL

Focus: literature: group(s) 1


names of presenters: title of book
Dana, Phil
The Perks...
Reni, Claudia
The Wave



PLEASE publish all your group documents HERE (click) Thank you.


Task: Think of what might be different / special in a lesson where you use ICT


 7 / 8 /  10th April


double session, room 61 at KFR

08.15 - 12.00 extended session at

KS Freudenberg!

Focus: ICT in EFL:


  • build your own wiki
  • explore online components of coursebooks
  • make your own webquest
  • create language activities
  • lots more...


9  /  17th April






NO Session on April 24th / May 1st: Easter Week / Labour Day

Focus: literature: group(s) 2


names of presenters: title of book
Stefanie, Sabrina
Nicole, Eva
Rahel, Sandra, Evelyne 13 Reasons Why


PLEASE publish all your group documents HERE (click)   Thank you.

10 / 11  / 8th  May

Double Session:

08.15 - 12.00 extended session

Focus: Teaching through DRAMA


Exchange Session with Anton Feller, Lecturer of PH Bern. 


Tasks: Study some of the following documents in preparation of the "Essay Session" and mark the relevant essays according to your best system.


Marking essays: new essays if possible ( Essay Titles 02-04-08.doc   essay1.pdf   essay2.pdf   essay13.pdf)


Essay Titles Merchant of Venice.doc

Essay 1.pdf Essay2.pdf   Essay3.pdf  Essay4.pdf

Here they are: 4 essays freshly written. Please try to put them into an order (best, second, etc.) and try to find a mark that you can justify.


Writing Argumentative Essays (an extensive guide)  Example Essays  

Free Argumentative Essays 

Still more guidance   Transitional Devices  


argumentative essay - example-outline.doc  Coherence in Writing.doc  connectives exercise.doc  

connectives exercise solutions.doc  connectives raw text.doc  ESSAY STRUCTURE.doc   


 holistic rating sacale.pdf   Language summary_argumentative essay.pdf  Linking devices essay.doc

PSH Setting and Marking Essays.pdf

12  / 15th May


Focus: Marking essays: discussing challenges in this field and how you can meet them.

Comparing results of marking / My method of marking essayscomparison: to be added


AACSB assessment sheet writing.docx

Grammar percentages.pdf

My essay-marking-method.doc


Tasks:  formulate questions from / about lessons taught or observed. Bring in your questions to session of May 30th


Trial-Lesson-colloquium: Discussing your questions from your classroom experience (taught or observed)


13  22nd May




(no session on May 29th: Ascension Day)

Focus: "Diploma Lesson": Information about Colloquium /-a and what is expected in the lesson itself.


Meeting point: Cakefriends at 10 o'clock (Torgasse 3, 8001 Zürich). If you don't know where to go, Sandra and I (Rahel;)) are going to meet at Bellevue (in the middle where you can get coffee etc.) around 09.45 - 09.50.


Wegleitung Lehrdiplom: Wegleitung_Berufspraxis_120829.pdf


Example documents of a hard diploma lesson:

THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH text.doc  Lesson Plan.doc  edgar allan poe.doc  edgar allan po1.doc

(please take note that this is probably the hardest text that I have ever set as an exam story – to a student I knew was brilliant – who did get her 6 with this, too)


Other stories that I have recently used:

mankind.doc  machine.pdf  store of the worlds.pdf  painful case Joyce.pdf  banal-story.pdf


Points to consider-diploma.doc


Anmeldeformulare Praktikum: Please download and bring to last session, so I can SIGN them!




All other relevant documents to be downloaded are found here:


What has not been said yet: your questions, remarks, observations:

- (your points here!)


Teacher Development


Magazines: English Teaching Professional    Modern English Teacher 


Teasing you with a few scanned articles:


ETP-Jul02-road to autonomy.pdf   ETP-Jan04-WhatMakesYouSoSpecial.pdf   ETP-Jul03-problems-congratulation.pdf


ETP-Mar04-practicewhat YouPreach.pdf  ETP-Oct02-StimulusBasedTeaching.pdf   ETP-Jan04-PersonalProfile.pdf


Networking / Training:


Teacher Development Resource Page  British Council TD Page 


Your questions: European Language Portfolio: see here (click!) . Is to do with the new branding of "levels" as A1, A2 up to C1, C2 (~CPE). Also students are encouraged to keep a portfolio of their own "can do" levels, and decide in which areas they want to develop (four skills, oral, written, ...). In daily practice not so much will change: our coursebook will be labelled "A2" or whatever the level is, we periodically confront students with the "can do" definitions of the various levels. See ALL scales here: All scales CEFR.DOC  .


Selbstorganisiertes Lernen: Projekt SOL: Leitlinien_2008_12.pdf  Häufig gestellte Fragen.pdf .


Task:  keep working and developing to grow into an expert teacher within the next 10 years.


Hello fellow students, I didn't know where to put my reference, so here it is.

Take care, Caren

Before you order it, try to get hold of a copy to see whether it is really useful for your purposes.


Schmid, Regula.

Storytime. Teacher’s Guide / Student’s Book.

Zürich: Lehrmittelverlag des Kantons Zürich,

2006. 116 Seiten. CHF 32.40 (Teacher‘s Guide);

104 Seiten CHF 33.90 (Student‘s Book)




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