Focus: "Diploma Lesson": Information about Colloquium /-a and what is expected in the lesson itself.
Meeting point: Cakefriends at 10 o'clock (Torgasse 3, 8001 Zürich). If you don't know where to go, Sandra and I (Rahel;)) are going to meet at Bellevue (in the middle where you can get coffee etc.) around 09.45 - 09.50.
Example documents of a hard diploma lesson:
THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH text.doc Lesson Plan.doc edgar allan poe.doc edgar allan po1.doc
(please take note that this is probably the hardest text that I have ever set as an exam story – to a student I knew was brilliant – who did get her 6 with this, too)
Other stories that I have recently used:
mankind.doc machine.pdf store of the worlds.pdf painful case Joyce.pdf banal-story.pdf
Points to consider-diploma.doc
All other relevant documents to be downloaded are found here:
What has not been said yet: your questions, remarks, observations:
- (your points here!)
Teacher Development
Teasing you with a few scanned articles:
ETP-Jul02-road to autonomy.pdf ETP-Jan04-WhatMakesYouSoSpecial.pdf ETP-Jul03-problems-congratulation.pdf
ETP-Mar04-practicewhat YouPreach.pdf ETP-Oct02-StimulusBasedTeaching.pdf ETP-Jan04-PersonalProfile.pdf
Networking / Training:
Your questions: European Language Portfolio: see here (click!) . Is to do with the new branding of "levels" as A1, A2 up to C1, C2 (~CPE). Also students are encouraged to keep a portfolio of their own "can do" levels, and decide in which areas they want to develop (four skills, oral, written, ...). In daily practice not so much will change: our coursebook will be labelled "A2" or whatever the level is, we periodically confront students with the "can do" definitions of the various levels. See ALL scales here: All scales CEFR.DOC .
Selbstorganisiertes Lernen: Projekt SOL: Leitlinien_2008_12.pdf Häufig gestellte Fragen.pdf .
Task: keep working and developing to grow into an expert teacher within the next 10 years.
Hello fellow students, I didn't know where to put my reference, so here it is.
Take care, Caren
Before you order it, try to get hold of a copy to see whether it is really useful for your purposes.
Schmid, Regula.
Storytime. Teacher’s Guide / Student’s Book.
Zürich: Lehrmittelverlag des Kantons Zürich,
2006. 116 Seiten. CHF 32.40 (Teacher‘s Guide);
104 Seiten CHF 33.90 (Student‘s Book)
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