

Page history last edited by Perino 9 years, 10 months ago




First Semester Dates and Program HS 2013-14 (Course UniZH 2051):

Room SOE - F - 1 (click to view map)


elementary through intermediate levels


Link to FDE II FS 2014


Documents/Links of general interest: (Last updated October 12th, 2013)

Jump down to "testing" (session 13)


Wichtigste Reglemente und Merkblätter zum Studiengang LLBM:


Link to "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" LM - IfE HS 2013-14 Uni ZH  Link to IfE / LM  Link to "history of Language Teaching Methods"


Requirements / Books to buy for the course (reading list)


Timetable at KFR, HJ Perino: timtable-H-Perino-HS-2013-14.pdf //  Link to online classbook KFR, HJ Perino (click!)


This programme will be completed and adjusted as we go. Please always refer to the up-to-date version on this page !

Nr. / Dates


(Times, if special)

topic of seminar session, particulars of session, tasks, info ...


Main Web Page:  mail: click here! (hperino [at] mac . com)



1  /  19 September 2013


CONTACT PAGE  (photos of participants)

thrown into the classroom... visual input... discuss questions about movie extracts from "Summerschool"



introduction, information, administrational stuff, organizing mini-presentations of methods, presentation of programme, introduction to PBworks.


Our motto: we will prepare and present professional lessons: i.e. we know what we do, how we do it and why we do it.


task: go to "“ -->  (this is right here :-) and download these documents:

lessonvisit-checks.xls   (table to fill in for your convenience)

core-requirements.pdf (read for Session 2!)



read also "Was Didaktiker gerne verschweigen" (link to PDF on A. Barth's web-download page),

Barth_03-2011 - Jedem Anfang.pdf

read also:

Before didactics.doc  t-factor-print.jpg, classlanguage.pdf

what do teachers do.doc   Teacher-Personality-MR.doc

in HTT read ch 2 (Teachers) / LT  13-23 (3rd edition) and  33-36 . browse through teachingsecrets.pdf, READ p. 7 of it.


go to the CONTACT PAGE  (click!) and post a photo with your name.


If you haven't yet, get books indicated on the main page (click!)


2  /  26 September


discuss "core requirements",  start thinking about

“what is a good (English) teacher”, teacher personality, teacher’s roles and attitudes /Answer ppt "teachers are..." / born or aquired? // first lesson activity. 1st-Lesson-dos-n-donts.doc ENGLISH WOMEN'S NAMES.pdf  / ENGLISH MEN'S NAMES.pdfBarth_03-2011.pdf  /  classroom language.pdf //  develop criteria for "good" publisher's webpage  / I am a teacher.pdf  Conversation Questions:


taskas a result of your readings and our discussions, try to “draw” a picture of the universal, ideal English teacher. write a short text about "the kind of good teacher I want to be"


Links to publishers: Cambridge, Cornelson, MacMillan-Dictionary, MacMillan-Home, Oxford University Press, Headway, Pearson-Longman,  New English File, New Cutting Edge, New Inside Out, New Inspiration (MacMillan)  --> compare the various websites and put them into order as to their usefulness for a teacher (justify your ranking)


Other links: How to choose a coursebookSystematic Coursebook Evaluation HTT ch. 11 / read choosing-a-coursebook.doc , download "bookgrid.xls. BRING IT TO THE BOOKSHOP. Another page on criteria for coursebooks

3 / 4     /  3 October

Double Session! starting 08:15

1st part at Stäheli's bookshop, see map here

evaluation of coursebooks, we will choose "our" book to work with when planning pre-intermediate lessons: First Part WILL TAKE PLACE AT Stäheli's BOOKSHOP Schifflände 26, 2nd floor, Zürich!

The book we chose at Stäheli's for Pre-Intermediate level is "English File 3rd Edition"

(Also choose Graded Reader to work with later.)


Presentation: Desuggestopedia, Dana


Discussing websites of publishers as to their usefulness
your texts (ideal teacher)


task: read HTT ch. 12 (planning lessons/lesson plans), LT ch. 6 (lesson plans), 16 (tools, techniques, activities) / read docs, visit links: 

Teaching Techniques

Designing a Lesson

Swisseduc Lesson Plans English

Teachknowlogy Page

Input on Lesson Plans

Making a Lesson Plans (with samples)

lesson-aims.doc    LP.pdf   preparing-lessonplan.doc

5  /  17 October

(10 October NO Session)

Presentation: Grammar Translation, Eva

C3_Epostl_E.pdf  /

Discussing how to make a lesson plan / working in groups or individually to prepare lesson plans with chosen coursebook (brainstorming ideas at this stage  --> complete lesson plans in "working session" on Oct 18)

Working Session "Lesson Plans"  Lessonplan-model.doc  /

Info on how to upload to PbWorks (given during session, if necessary). 

upload lesson plans (+ additional materials, worksheets etc.) here (click)


task: finish lesson plans (HTT 12, LT  6, 15 as sources of ideas). upload your lesson plans to Pbworks and DOWNLOAD all the other plans. Study them in preparation for the session, so that we can comment on them as they are presented.

6  /  24 October




Presentation: Audio Lingual, Sabrina   


Info "Übungslehrer (click here!)"

 --> choosing from offers available

Working Session "Lesson Plans"

finalising and peer-check

upload lesson plans (+ additional materials, worksheets etc.) here (click)


look at berufspraktische Ausbildung as a whole:


example non-coursebook phases / lessons:

Conversation questions link (click) ENGLISH WOMEN'S NAMES.pdf  ENGLISH MEN'S NAMES.pdf


task: finalise lesson plans if necessary. 

7 /  31 October

Presentation: Total Physical Response, Rahel 


presenting and discussing your lesson plans /
Comparison Ethel - Eileen Draper: Comparison Ethel-Eileen.pdf

teaching grammar.pdf

task: my conclusions about planning lessons: individual reflection on today's session. (re-)read LT ch. 10, 12; HTT ch. 5, 6, 11 /

8  /  7 November


Presentation: Content Based, Sandra 

Input Philip: project week with class


warmers, fillers, games:


- football: vocab, verb forms, opposites, picture-word, ...

- "Simon says": direct instruction: action verbs, giving directions, ...

- rucksack game (memorize vocab)

- collecting language material: adjectives, verbs, nouns, what you need!

- find someone who: questions + vocabulary (pre-intermediate), exchanging opinion (intermediate, advanced)

- Quizzes, crosswords: vocabulary, forms

- line by line revealing (e.g. Bush text): prediction, grammatical structure

- rhythm for structures: Rhythm with questions-past.xls Verbs to use in rhythm activity.doc

- humourous grammar rules (intermediate, advanced):

- running dictations (content purposeful!)

- role plays: roleplays_sample.pdf  swappy-roleplays-for-adults-2-bw-version-included.doc  swappy-roleplays-for-adults-1.doc

- talking rounds with lots of input: phones.pdf   emotions.doc   emotions.doc

- collective story telling, oral, written


Easy Readers:

Establish theme, topic, time, background etc. / predict from cover, theme, character, etc. / start reading in class to get familiar / portions of reading at home: various methods of establishing content, then discussion if possible or "creative task": FIND THE INFORMATION GAP: write the diary of... , character A writes character B a letter... , what character A really thinks... , describe the home of character A , what would have happened if... ? ,  character A and B talk 10 years later ... ,


/ your quesions


starting to discuss:
aspects of classroom management



task: read LT ch. 5, HTT ch. 3 plus links and docs: 

ETP-Jul03-classroom organisation.pdf  ETP-Nov04-spirit of cohesion.pdf 

classroom management answers CLM tips and answers   least-intervention.pdf  Becoming a more efficient Classroom Manager.pdf 



Techniken Klassenfuehrung.doc

responsible classroom management.doc

Org des Unterrichts.doc

First Impression.doc

Penalties in the Classroom.doc

NEW LINK: Key to CLM! (click!)


learner types. LearnerTypes-TeacherTypes.doc   learner-types.pdf

test yourself: click here  / or here  /  or here  /

What learner type are you? (click to find out!)

More information on "learner type" (click)

9  /  14 November


Presentation: Direct Method, Ines


READ: Was Fachdidaktiker gerne verschweigen.pdf   Was Fachdidaktiker ausserdem verschweigen.pdf

aspects of classroom management  input H. Perino, how to keep up the flow over various phases of a lesson / classlang.pdf  guidlines-for-praise.doc  ClassroomManagement2.doc  Ericsson-Deliberate Practice-Expert.doc  Teachers_make_a_difference_-_ACER_(2003).pdf

Suggestopedia Seminar in Hungary: Teacher Training Sofia Jan 2014 copy.pdf

task:  read docs, visit links:

Grobziele.doc  WeitereArtikelderMAR.doc

lohntabelle97.pdf   Arbeitstabelle Jahresgrundlohn07.pdf  Lohnskalen zur MBVO (Löhne ab 01_01_2009).pdf

Arbeitstabelle+Jahreslohn 2012.pdf

MAR-Reglement.pdf   MBA (Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamt Kt. ZH)  VO_MAR_d.pdf


10  /  21 November


Presentation: Task-Based, Nicole TBL-GW.ppt

Info "Lehrplan" / teaching situation in Kanton Zürich  / starting to think about vocabulary, speaking, error correction


Where Primary School should meet Gymnasium in English:



tasks  read LT ch. 9.1-9.5; ch. 12; HTT ch. 6, 9, 14-1/6/7 visit links and read documents on PBwiki

ETP-Nov04-The Shy Speaker.pdf   ETP-Mar05-SpeakingSpontaneously4.pdf   ETP-Mar05-AuthenticCommunication.pdf   ETP-Jan05-speaking spontaneaously.pdf  


11 /  28 November

Presentation: Emerging Uses of Technology, Stefanie



Speaking / Error Correction / Open session: your questions



eliciting game items.pdf




task: Answer sheet "What I would do" (error correction) What I would do.pdf  read HTT ch. 9 / LT Ch. 8, 9, 11

12  /  5 December




Presentation: Communicative Language Teaching, Phil

Taboos and Issues

 vocabulary (DVD input HTT 6)  

Two dozens of tips for vocabulary teaching...  McCarten_booklet.pdf  


Test your vocabulary here!

task read HTT ch. 13   


Summative and Formative Testing  Summative, Formative and other Testing (wikipedia)

About "validity and reliability" in testing   other source for the same    and another one... 


Testing (collection of links)


Diagnostic Grammar Test (check yourself!)  Testing Grammar - types of tests  reliable & valid test.pdf

correction-sheet.jpg  What-is-a-good-test.doc

sample tests: TEST FOAE U7 part II.pdf  TEST NHWE 9 -10.pdf  TEST NHWE 11-body.pdf

                     TEST NNHE U 3-4.pdf  Test NEF E U8 1+2.doc  TEST NEF 9 + Canterville.pdf


6d test 10-07.pdf  TEST HE U 3-4.pdf  Test U1_2 HWE.pdf  NEF E Mini 4-07.pdf

TEST NEF6-7.pdf  NEF E Mini 2-2007.pdf  TEST NEF U608.pdf  NEF-E Test 1 08.pdf

NEF-E U2A-C 08.pdf  Test NEF I U4AB.pdf  Test NEF I U3.pdf

task: study links and documents about testing so that you are well prepared for the working session.

13 /  12 December




Presentation: Learning Strategy Training, Claudia  /

    testing / discussion
working session to write your tests.  /


upload your tests here (click!)


Calculate your marks online: 3 methods



Noten_formel.pdf (Offizielle Notenformel Kanton Zürich)


task: upload tests

jump back up to top of page 

14 / 19 December




Meeting at "Cakefriends" near Starbucks Bellevue. 10:15 am, Torgasse 3.


discussing your tests



task for second semester:  ( Re-)read the following texts BEFORE the 2nd semester starts:


The Catcher in the Rye / The Perks of Being a Wallflower / Frankenstein (and/or) Dracula  / The Island of Doctor Moreau / 13 Reasons Why / The Wave /



Beginning of the 2nd SEMESTER of FDE on DO 27th February 2014.

NO sessions: 20th Feb / 3rd April (HJ IATEFL) / 24th April (Easter Break) / 1st May (Labour Day) / 29th May (Ascension Day)

It will contain two double sessions: 13th March / 10th of April 2014, each 08:15 - 11:45


For the second semester: Cambridge, Joanne Collie & Stephen Slater: Literature in the Language Classroom

    (A resource book of ideas and activities), 1987 / 2002, ISBN 0-521-31224-8

    [might be somewhat hard to get by, at the moment, but is still a great resource book full of invaluable ideas]

    amazon online Bestellung here


This programme will be completed and adjusted as we go. Please always refer to the up-to-date version on this page !



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