Focus: Teaching Grammar at intermediate and advanced level: micro-teaching sequences.
Discussing what we have read: which ideas do you find most useful / difficult to put into practice?
Presenting your teaching ideas (task)
Fundamental questions with any task.docx
Further example of presenting grammar: example: present perfect (in session): (document to follow in session)
Further Reading:
MI for personalized projects.pdf / e.g. Oral Project 2018 K4b-c KSM.pdf Evaluation - Mark Oral Projects.docx
eliciting game: elicit.pdf / ---> eliciting game items (U3)TT.pdf Which-Questioning-Strategy72.docx
Gateway Placement test.docx Gateway Placement test teacher's guide and answer key.pdf
English Placement Test.docx
Tasks for next session:
Bring in listening materials that you have used successfully, or that you think can be used profitably in class. / Read respective parts of ch. 10 LT, ch. 10 HTT
- Read: ETP-Mar04-MagigAuthenticVideo.pdf ETP-Mar04-MagigAuthenticVideo2.pdf ETP-Oct03-UsingVideo. 7 Tips For Using Popular Movies.docx / More inspiration about using movies:
Tasks for session 6 (will take some time!):
Mark the the following essays according to your best system: Essay Titles K4z-19.pdf
Er.pdf Ev.pdf G.pdf Jm.pdf L.pdf Ra.pdf Rh.pdf Si.pdf W.pdf Y.pdf
(Essays written by K4z in 2019. Please try to put them into an order (best, second, etc.) and try to find a mark that you can justify.)
Study LT Ch. 9.6-9.8
Study the following documents:
holistic rating sacale.pdf / PSH Setting and Marking Essays.pdf / AACSB assessment sheet writing.docx
A full Essay-Writing Course:
Writing Argumentative Essays (an extensive guide)
Example Essays Free Argumentative Essays / Still more guidance
Further Reading:
argumentative essay - example-outline.doc Coherence in Writing.doc connectives exercise.doc
connectives exercise solutions.doc connectives raw text.doc ESSAY STRUCTURE.doc
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