

Page history last edited by Allegra Carluccio 4 years, 8 months ago












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Fachdidaktik Englisch Modul II FS 2020 (UniZH 1095):


Intermediate through matura levels...


Working Session: 20th February 2020: create another lesson from EF Pre-Int.


NO sessions: 16th April, 23rd April (Spring holidays) / 21st May (Ascension Day).


DOUBLE session: 8:15 – 12:00: 2nd April 2020


Last session: 28th May.


Link to TEAMS (in browser): 

(For both these links you have to be logged in to UZH microsoft SharePoint)

Link to OneNote (in browser): (Webansicht)


Link back to first semester HS 2019 (click)


Link to Literature page FS 20 (to post materials with your presentations)


Room:  FRE-D15


Task for second semester:  

( Re-)read the following texts BEFORE the 2nd semester starts:

Lord of the Flies / A Handmaid's Tale / Oscar Wilde, Importance.../ The House on Mango Street / Frankenstein / The Boy in Striped Pijamas / Hunger Games  



Link to table about "Übungslektionen" of your fellow students (or use WhatsApp chat)



Recommendation: Comprehensive glossary of terms in English language teaching, download and study: tkt_glossary.pdf

last updated: 6th Feb 2020


Second Semester


 Skip to literature sessions (click!)

Nr / Dates


Topics, Materials, Links, Tasks (Dates should be ok, content mostly updated. The programme will be adjusted and completed as we go: come back and check before sessions!)


1  /  20  February 

Focus: Creating lesson from coursebook: EF Pre-Int: working session 


With particular focus on the first 5 minutes of each of your lessons: What is your springboard idea to get the feature(s) going that you want to introduce? We will be looking at your ideas in session 2.


Post your lesson plans here (click):


Animated timelines: 


Tasks for session 4:


1 (re-)read LT  Chs. 6 / 7   //  HTT Ch. 6 / Ch. 12 (planning a sequence of lessons) // 

for an overview / a history of methodology  or:  Approaches-Methods-Techniques.pdf  (highly recommended) 


2 Think of a 5-10' microteaching grammar sequence in an area of your choice (except "present perfect") without a coursebook. Think about what natural language context the grammar feature in question would occur in. Also think about what method/idea you will use for that specific sequence and why. You will present your IDEA  (not a full lesson plan) in Session 4

To inspire you when preparing Micro-Teaching sequences for Session 2: check / read:   15_variations on PPP.docx

and for a large variety of topics to browse (two of them are featured below, "questioning strategies / teaching intelligence"): !


Resources for grammar exercises and explanation: (please let me know if a link has gone dead, so I can eliminate it).


Questioning strategies:  Inspiration:  teaching_teens like a pro.pdf

Teaching Intelligence: 

(Many more interesting aspect on same webpage!)



3 For your own study and interest: great practical teaching research webpage with downloadable papers to read for motivation and insight:

ETP-Mar05-ApproachesTo_Grammar.pdf   ETP-Oct02-PPPUnder_Scrutiny.pdf   ETPJan05-Natural-Language-Learning.pdf   ETP-Oct03-HowToBe_ACreativeTeacher.pdf

Interesting article about "learning styles": / More papers on G. Petty's page:  (examples of papers found on this webpage: ActiveLearningWorks.docx  FormativeTeachingMethods.docx   what influences on student-learning.pdf   

Re-inforcement.docx  . I profited a lot through these papers.)


2  /  27  Feb

Focus: Discussing lesson plans created in S1

Peer review, exchange ideas, perhaps adapt plans where convenient. Then:


Present (teach!) the first five minutes of your lesson "live" to the group. Explain how you are going from there.




(Tasks for session 4 see above, session 1)


/  5  March



Focus: Discussing lesson plans created in S1 (second session)

Peer review, exchange ideas, perhaps adapt plans where convenient. Then:


Present (teach!) the first five minutes of your lesson "live" to the group. Explain how you are going from there. 




(Tasks for session 4 see above, session 1)

/  12  March

Focus: Teaching Grammar at intermediate and advanced level: micro-teaching sequences.

Discussing what we have read: which ideas do you find most useful / difficult to put into practice? 


Presenting your teaching ideas (task)

Fundamental questions with any task.docx

Further example of presenting grammar: example: present perfect (in session): (document to follow in session)






Further Reading:


MI for personalized projects.pdf   / e.g.  Oral Project 2018 K4b-c KSM.pdf Evaluation - Mark Oral Projects.docx




eliciting game: elicit.pdf / --->  eliciting game items (U3)TT.pdf  Which-Questioning-Strategy72.docx


Gateway Placement test.docx   Gateway Placement test teacher's guide and answer key.pdf

English Placement Test.docx




Tasks for next session:


Bring in listening materials that you have used successfully, or that you think can be used profitably in class.  /  Read respective parts of ch. 10 LT, ch. 10 HTT


- Read: ETP-Mar04-MagigAuthenticVideo.pdf  ETP-Mar04-MagigAuthenticVideo2.pdf    ETP-Oct03-UsingVideo. 7 Tips For Using Popular Movies.docx  / More inspiration about using movies:



Tasks for session 6 (will take some time!):


Mark the the following essays according to your best system: Essay Titles K4z-19.pdf


Er.pdf Ev.pdf G.pdf Jm.pdf L.pdf Ra.pdf Rh.pdf Si.pdf W.pdf Y.pdf 


(Essays written by K4z in 2019. Please try to put them into an order (best, second, etc.) and try to find a mark that you can justify.)


Study LT Ch. 9.6-9.8


Study the following documents:


holistic rating sacale.pdf   /  PSH Setting and Marking Essays.pdf  /  AACSB assessment sheet writing.docx


A full Essay-Writing Course:

Writing Argumentative Essays (an extensive guide) 


Example Essays  Free Argumentative Essays   /  Still more guidance  


Further Reading:


argumentative essay - example-outline.doc  Coherence in Writing.doc  connectives exercise.doc  

connectives exercise solutions.doc  connectives raw text.doc  ESSAY STRUCTURE.doc   

Language summary_argumentative essay.pdf  Linking devices essay.doc


/  19  March

Focus: Teaching through Video 


See also OneNote: FDE II Perino UZH-Notizbuch  (Webansicht)

- working with film extracts: (sound only / image only : examples! // what to do with a Mr Bean video)

- working with film extracts: preview– /postview activity questions / Director's job...  (Sh. G... etc. )


Further Ideas:


- popular culture:

Evolution Video,  Amy Video,  Dove lesson plan.docx resources.docx



Videos about teaching: 


Movies for school (expensive put come with did. materials): 



Focus: Teaching through Listening  at interm. / adv. level. : bring in examples if you have any successfully used ones


Listening basics: Listening.docx



bush-rice.mp3   Peter and the future song titles.pdf Dear future generations...

See you again - grammar rules.docx   Link to song (click) 

S P E C T R E.docx   Title Song Spectre


THE MUST for listening: 



Further Ideas:


TED video:

Worksheet: English mania.pdf

Worksheet & Key: English mania-2.pdf  (what are you sinking...) (conditional songs)


Listen & Watch | LearnEnglish | British Council - good texts with differentiation and with audio files of the reading of the text



(Tasks for session 6 see Session 4!)


6  /  26  March



Focus: Marking essays: discussing challenges in this field and how you can meet them.

Comparing results of marking / My method of marking essays, comparison: to be added.


Address for teams session: 


Tasks for next session:






7 / 8   / 2  April


(double session,

08.15 - 12.00 ). ---> online 10:15


Focus: Using Poetry in the EFL Classroom – with Franziska Zeller (cancelled – should be a workshop with students present...)


Ideas for working with poetry:


Why Poetry.pptx    How to Analyze Poetry.docx    Group Task PLP 2020.docx  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  


30 great poems everyone should know.docx


Poe:  /


Poems analyzed (briefly):  /  

How to go about teaching a poem:


Short Youtube videos about analyzing:  /  / 


Persiflage:  To His Coy Mistress By Andrew Marvell.docx --->  To His Toy Mistress.pdf


Contrast: Leisure – poem.pdf  


Tasks for next session:


Post your questions / topics for open session.

9 / 9 April


(16 / 23 April no sessions, Spring holiday)


Focus: open session (your topics!) / Teaching with ICT – BYOD Classes 

Post your questions / topics here:


Thank you for your questions so far, there is still room for more... (HJ)


Are there still things that prove to be more effective when accomplished on paper and not on screen?


Quick sketches, mindmaps, drafts, advanced lesson plans...


Do you have a repertoire of popular songs which show certain grammatical features in a nice illustrative way?


See OneNote book...


How are those of us who haven't done their Übungslektionen this term supposed to get our ECTS for the course (supposing school is likely not to resume until after the summer holidays)? 


There is school till the end of June, chances are that we can go back to physical teaching before that. Otherwise we will design remote teaching lessons together and you will deliver them online.


Are there any useful tips for structuring and integrating longer home work tasks like writing a journal, making illustrations or longer reading tasks?


simple table / TEAMS / project planning software

Tasks for next session:


Finalize presentation on working with your reading books: describe/present entire reading phase with class. Include ONE practical sample of a task and DO this with our group as a micro-teaching exercise.

- Browse through "Literature in the Language Classroom", so that you know what to look up where for lit. sessions.  /  Read ch. 10, 5-6 LT and ch. 7 HTT

10  /  30 April









Focus: literature: group(s) 1


names of presenters: title of book
 Lidija, Janine

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

 Allegra, Stefanie
Lord of the Flies 
Tobias   Hunger Games
Ceric_Surber_Handouts_THE BOY IN THE STRIPED PYJAMAS.pdf Ceric_Surber_Handouts_THE BOY IN THE STRIPED PYJAMAS.pdf


PLEASE publish all your group documents HERE (click) Thank you.


Tasks for next session:


Finalize presentation on working with your reading books: describe/present entire reading phase with class. Include ONE practical sample of a task and DO this with our group as a micro-teaching exercise.

Browse through "Literature in the Language Classroom", so that you know what to look up where for lit. sessions.  /  Read ch. 10, 5-6 LT and ch. 7 HTT


11  /  7  May










Focus: literature: group(s) 2


names of presenters: title of book
Claudia, Isabel   The House on Mango Street
Stefan, Rahel 

Importance of Being Earnest

Amelie & Stella  The Handmaid's Tale 


PLEASE publish all your group documents HERE (click) Thank you.


Tasks for next session:


Think of all the questions you have about the "Diploma Lesson" and post them here:

Read:  / 


12  / 14  May


Focus: "Diploma Lesson": Information about Colloquium /-a and what is expected in the lesson itself.


Example documents of a "hard" diploma lesson:

THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH text.doc  Lesson Plan.doc  edgar allan poe.doc  edgar allan po1.doc

(please take note that this is probably the hardest text that I have ever set as an exam story – to a student I knew was brilliant – who did get her 6 with this, too)


Other stories that I have recently used:

mankind.doc  machine.pdf  store of the worlds.pdf  painful case Joyce.pdf  banal-story.pdf


Points to consider-diploma.docx


Please post your questions here:


What are the main components of the Diploma lesson? Can you walk us through one? 


Assuming you have to teach a literature lesson as your diploma lesson and you've given the class a short story to read for that lesson

but only 3-4 people have actually read it, what do you do? (This happened when I was a student and someone had their diploma

lesson with my class.)


What are some of the worst mishaps you've witnessed? i.e. what to avoid at all cost?


What does the structure of the after-teaching conversation with the experts look like? What are typical questions?


What methods of teaching are most suitable for a diploma lesson in order to show off your skills?


13  / 28  May


Bye-bye session:  What we did not have time to discuss before:

(your questions, remarks, topics here:)


Anmeldeformular Praktikum:



All other relevant documents to be downloaded are found here:

Link to details about "Diplomprüfung": 

What has not been said yet: your questions, remarks, observations:

- (your points here!)


Teacher Development


Magazines: English Teaching Professional    Modern English Teacher 


Teasing you with a few scanned articles:


ETP-Jul02-road to autonomy.pdf   ETP-Jan04-WhatMakesYouSoSpecial.pdf   ETP-Jul03-problems-congratulation.pdf


ETP-Mar04-practicewhat YouPreach.pdf  ETP-Oct02-StimulusBasedTeaching.pdf   ETP-Jan04-PersonalProfile.pdf


Networking / Training:


Teacher Development Resource Page




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