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Page history last edited by Perino 2 years, 10 months ago












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Fachdidaktik Englisch Modul II FS 2021 (UniZH 0328): Wednesdays, 2:00 – 3:45 pm,


Intermediate through matura levels...


Working Session: 3rd March 21 / 14th April 2021


NO sessions: 7th April (Easter Break), 21st April (Spring holidays) / 12th May (pre-Ascension Day) 2021


DOUBLE session: 14:00 – 17:30 (Guest lecturer from PH Bern!): 19th May 2021


Last session: 2nd June 2021


Link to TEAMS (in browser): https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a926beb6730294964855cadd91a2e4a06%40thread.tacv2/Allgemein?groupId=3499c7e4-e37d-4040-a075-ed83b0e85b76&tenantId=c7e438db-e462-4c22-a90a-c358b16980b3 

(For both these links you have to be logged in to UZH microsoft SharePoint)

Link to OneNote (in browser): (Webansicht)


Link to OLAT: https://lms.uzh.ch/auth/RepositoryEntry/16968188171/CourseNode/85421310414617


Link to Literature page FS 21 (to post materials with your presentations)


KSM School Timetable H. Perino:  HJ Timetable FS 21.pdf

Link to online classbook KS Menzingen, HJ Perino (click!)  /  Address KS Menzingen: Seminarstrasse 12, 6313 M. (Kroki click)

Materials for teaching with English File Upper Intermediate 3rd edition (you must be logged in to access this page!)



Room: ZOOM: Link will be sent to participants via email


Task for second semester:  

( Re-)read the following texts BEFORE the 2nd semester starts:

(to be determined) 



Link to table about "Übungslektionen" of your fellow students (or use WhatsApp chat)



Recommendation: Comprehensive glossary of terms in English language teaching, download and study: tkt_glossary.pdf

last updated: 11th Feb 2021


Second Semester


 Skip to literature sessions (click!)

Nr / Dates


Topics, Materials, Links, Tasks (Dates should be ok, content mostly updated. The programme will be adjusted and completed as we go: come back and check before sessions!)


1  /  24  February 

Focus: Creating Ideas for STARTING OFF a lesson / Planning a Semester 




2 Info about 2nd Semester  / final decision on lit. works and building / confirming teams for literature presentations in sessions  9 / 10-11



With particular focus on the first 5 minutes of each of your lessons: What is your springboard idea to get the feature(s) going that you want to introduce? 


Choose 3 different topics from EF Upper Intermediate (1 grammar, 1 Vocab, 1 content / text  –  textbook file will be provided) and think of TWO different ways of introducing them each. ---> present to group (use OneNote, Powerpoint, your media support...)


assumptions for int-adv gram teaching.docx



The technicalities of planning a semester: "Schulnetz" 



Tasks for sessions 2/3:



1 (re-)read LT  Chs. 6 / 7   //  HTT Ch. 6 / Ch. 12 (planning a sequence of lessons) // 

for an overview / a history of methodology  http://www.philseflsupport.com/efl_history.htm  and:  Approaches-Methods-Techniques.pdf     15_variations on PPP.docx


And for a large variety of topics to browse (two of them are featured below, "questioning strategies / teaching intelligence"): http://geoffpetty.com/ !


Questioning strategies: http://www.teacherstoolbox.co.uk/T_Which.html  

Teaching Intelligence: http://www.teacherstoolbox.co.uk/T_Teaching_Intelligence.html 

(Many more interesting aspect on same webpage!)



For your own study and interest: great practical teaching research webpage with downloadable papers to read for motivation and insight:


ETP-Mar05-ApproachesTo_Grammar.pdf   ETP-Oct02-PPPUnder_Scrutiny.pdf   ETPJan05-Natural-Language-Learning.pdf   ETP-Oct03-HowToBe_ACreativeTeacher.pdf

Interesting article about "learning styles": https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/2011/01/learning-styles-fact-and-fiction-a-conference-report/ 


More papers on G. Petty's page: 

(http://geoffpetty.com/  examples of papers found on this webpage:) ActiveLearningWorks.docx  FormativeTeachingMethods.docx   what influences on student-learning.pdf   

Re-inforcement.docx  . I profited a lot through these papers.)


Resources for grammar exercises and explanation: http://perino.pbworks.com/w/page/15858950/EFL%20grammar%20links (please let me know if a link has gone dead, so I can eliminate it). 


2  /  3  March

Focus: Reading up on how to design grammar lessons – Working Session

(no video call)


Read all the chapters and papers suggested in Session 1.  Prepare questions / remarks about them to be discussed in Session 3. Write here: 

-       Do you think lesson plans look differently/more detailed for different types of lessons (literature, grammar, vocab)?

-       If I have parallel classes should I still do different lesson plans based on what I know about the class?

-       Do I have to calculate a different pace/durations of activity if the classes are younger/can less easily concentrate?

-       Should one plan different openers/warmers if the students are more advanced since maybe their learning pattern is also different to a new student (when one revises grammar for the matura for instance)?

-       Exposure is listed as a way of noticing a pattern after having already been introduced to it, but wouldn’t exposure also lend itself to a great introduction to a topic à basically a bottom up approach?

-       How detailed will you plan ahead (for instance a whole semester)?

-       How can you vary the activities when you follow a coursebook?

-       Can you plan your interactions with students just as much ahead as a “presentation”?

-       Is a drill something you would prepare or spontaneously make use of during class?

-       How long should a text for a text-start be?

-       How can you prepare for technological problems?

-       Do you also plan transitions between the phases ahead?

-       Which grammar teaching methods are most useful during corona/online classes?

-       How many aims are too many for one grammar lesson? -> How many different items are the students able to process/remember?

-       in LT they talk about "critical learning moments" (p. 143). I'm not sure how these will look in practice, or how to make sure that students pay enough attention since these moments are "no more than 30 seconds" (p.144). 

- Where exactly lies the boundary between "self-directed discovery" and "guided discovery" (LT, p. 164)?





(Tasks for session 3 see session 1)


/  10  March



Focus: Discussing your inputs from above:  Teaching Grammar at intermediate and advanced level:


which ideas do you find most useful / difficult to put into practice? 

Fundamental questions with any task.docx

Further example of presenting grammar: example: present perfect (in session): (document to follow in session)



If time: eliciting game: elicit.pdf / --->  eliciting game items (U3)TT.pdf  Which-Questioning-Strategy72.docx


Helpful tool: animated timelines:




Tasks for session 4: Putting it all together ---> Use the ideas of session 1 and the knowledge gathered in sessions 2 and 3 and prepare a 15' micro-teaching input with a grammar / vocab topic of your choice.

/  17  March

Focus: Teaching Grammar at intermediate and advanced level: your micro-teaching sequences: perform and discuss


Discuss your lessons in my classes at KSM!


FDE 2 Micro Teaching Body Language_Sina_Aida.pptx





Grammar teaching through projects: 



Oral Project 2020-21 sFE2 KSM.pdf  Evaluation - Mark Oral Projects 250.pdf


Grammar Project.pdf    sample evaluation grammar projects 2020-21.pdf



Projektbasiertes Lernen (OUP)                              Fragen-/Interessenbasiertes Lernen (OUP)

oup-focus-project-based-learning.pdf    oup-focus-inquiry-based-learning.pdf (I know, I wonder, I learnt: KWL Tabellen!)


  • Students do the teaching for some topics (pre-lesson review with teacher) because... :

Learning Pyramid.pdf



Tasks for session 5:


Bring in listening or video materials that you have used successfully, or that you think can be used profitably in class.  /  Read respective parts of ch. 10 LT, ch. 10 HTT


- Read: ETP-Mar04-MagigAuthenticVideo.pdf  ETP-Mar04-MagigAuthenticVideo2.pdf    ETP-Oct03-UsingVideo. 7 Tips For Using Popular Movies.docx  /


More inspiration about using movies:  https://www.britishcouncil.org/voices-magazine/how-can-film-help-you-teach-or-learn-english http://www.moviesgrowenglish.com/Teacher.html



Tasks for session 11 (will take some time!):


Mark the the following essays according to your best system: Essay Titles K4z-19.pdf


Er.pdf   Ev.pdf   G.pdf   Jm.pdf   L.pdf   Ra.pdf   Rh.pdf   Si.pdf   W.pdf   Y.pdf 


(Essays written by K4z in 2019. Please try to put them into an order (best, second, etc.) and try to find a mark that you can justify.)


Study LT Ch. 9.6-9.8 (p. 234 - 248)


Study the following documents:


holistic rating sacale.pdf   /  PSH Setting and Marking Essays.pdf  /  AACSB assessment sheet writing.docx


Further Reading:


argumentative essay - example-outline.doc  Coherence in Writing.doc  connectives exercise.doc  

connectives exercise solutions.doc  connectives raw text.doc  ESSAY STRUCTURE.doc   

Language summary_argumentative essay.pdf  Linking devices essay.doc


/  24  March

Focus: Teaching through Video 


See mainly in OneNote: FDE I - II Perino UZH-Notizbuch  (https://uzh.sharepoint.com/sites/FDEIandIIPerino/SiteAssets/FDE%20I%20and%20II%20Perino-Notizbuch/ )

(I will put the video and audio session pages into the content area after the session)

- working with film extracts: (sound only / image only : examples! // what to do with a Mr Bean video)

- working with film extracts: preview– /postview activity questions / Director's job...  (Sh. G... etc. )


Further Ideas:


- popular culture:

Evolution Video,  Amy Video,  Dove lesson plan.docx resources.docx





Videos about teaching:



Movies for school (expensive put come with did. materials): http://lingua-video.com/ 



Focus: Teaching through Listening  at interm. / adv. level. : bring in examples if you have any successfully used ones


Listening basics: Listening.docx



bush-rice.mp3   Peter and the wolf.zip future song titles.pdf Dear future generations...

See you again - grammar rules.docx   Link to song (click) 

S P E C T R E.docx   Title Song Spectre


THE MUST for listening:




Further Ideas:


TED video: https://www.ted.com/talks/jay_walker_on_the_world_s_english_mania

Worksheet: English mania.pdf

Worksheet & Key: English mania-2.pdf


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yR0lWICH3rY  (what are you sinking...)


http://thirdfloorenglishi.weebly.com/songs-with-conditionals.html (conditional songs)


Listen & Watch | LearnEnglish | British Council


ngllife.com - good texts with differentiation and with audio files of the reading of the text



(Tasks for session 6 see Session 4!)


6  /  31  March



Focus: Marking essays: working sessions to do the marking of the essays.

(no video call) 



Tasks for sessions 10 and 11:


Prepare your literature presentations to the point to be able to complete it with your partner in the upcoming working session 


(NO session 7 April)


7    / 14  April



(21 April NO session)

Focus: Preparing literature presentation – Working Session

(no video call)


Tasks for next session:



/ 28 April




Focus: literature with Franziska


Tasks for next session:


Finalize presentation on working with your reading books: describe/present entire reading phase with class. Include ONE practical sample of a task and DO this with our group as a micro-teaching exercise.

- Browse through "Teaching Literature in the A level Modern Languages Classroom" /  Read ch. 10, 5-6 LT  (p. 263 ff) and ch. 7 HTT

9  /  5 Mai









Focus: literature: group(s) 1


names of presenters: title of book
 Esperanza, Nadja

A Streetcar Named Desire

 Tamara, Aida
The Picture of Dorian Gray


PLEASE publish all your group documents HERE (click) Thank you.


Tasks for next session:


( see previous session)

 (12 May NO session)

10 -11 /  19  May




Double Session

14:00 – 17:30






Focus: literature: group(s) 2  / Marking Essays


names of presenters: title of book
 Muriel, Sina, Alexandra




PLEASE publish all your group documents HERE (click)  Thank you.



Focus: Literature – Shakespeare, with Karin Müller: 

(Materials on OneNote)


Tasks for next session:


Think of all the questions you have about the "Diploma Lesson" and post them here:

Read: http://www.ife.uzh.ch/dam/jcr:91218b4e-3ba4-431e-bd25-6bc0724d608e/merkblatt_lp-kompetenzen_2016.pdf  /  http://www.ife.uzh.ch/de/llbm/lehrdiplomfuermaturitaetsschulen/diplompruefung.html 


12  / 26  May


Focus: Marking Essays: discussing challenges in this field and how you can meet them.

Comparing results of marking / My method of marking essays, comparison: to be added.

A full Essay-Writing Course:

Writing Argumentative Essays (an extensive guide) 


Example Essays  Free Argumentative Essays   /  Still more guidance  


(Materials to be added)


Focus: "Diploma Lesson": Information about Colloquium /- and what is expected in the lesson itself.


Example documents of a "hard" diploma lesson:

THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH text.doc  Lesson Plan.doc  edgar allan poe.doc  edgar allan po1.doc

(please take note that this is probably the hardest text that I have ever set as an exam story – to a student I knew was brilliant – who did get her 6 with this, too)


Other stories that I have recently used:

mankind.doc  machine.pdf  store of the worlds.pdf  painful case Joyce.pdf  banal-story.pdf



Points to consider-diploma.docx


Please post your questions here:


W by Aida.pdf Y by Aida.pdf Si by Aida.pdf Rh by Aida.pdf Ra by Aida.pdf L by Aida.pdf G by Aida.pdf Jm by Aida.pdf Ev by Aida.pdf Er by Aida.pdf  


G_Sina.pdf Jm_Sina.pdf Ev_Sina.pdf L_Sina.pdf Ra_Sina.pdf Rh_Sina.pdf Si_Sina.pdf W_Sina.pdf Y_Sina.pdf Er_Sina.pdf




13  / 2 June


Bye-bye session: 

Meeting at Frau Gerolds Garten:

Frau Gerolds Garten
Geroldstrasse 23/23a
8005 Zürich

https://www.fraugerold.ch/  /  Google Maps (click!)


Post your questions here:






What we did not have time to discuss before (BYOD):

(your questions, remarks, topics here:)


Anmeldeformular Praktikum:




All other relevant documents to be downloaded are found here:


Link to details about "Diplomprüfung": http://www.ife.uzh.ch/de/llbm/lehrdiplomfuermaturitaetsschulen/diplompruefung.html 

What has not been said yet: your questions, remarks, observations:


Please post your topics here:




Teacher Development


Magazines: English Teaching Professional    Modern English Teacher 


Teasing you with a few scanned articles:


ETP-Jul02-road to autonomy.pdf   ETP-Jan04-WhatMakesYouSoSpecial.pdf   ETP-Jul03-problems-congratulation.pdf


ETP-Mar04-practicewhat YouPreach.pdf  ETP-Oct02-StimulusBasedTeaching.pdf   ETP-Jan04-PersonalProfile.pdf


Networking / Training:


Teacher Development Resource Page




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